February 20, 2011

Microfiction: Dead End

Microfiction Monday time again.
Thanks Susan at Stonyriver.
Here is this week’s illustration provided by her, and my stories on it in less than 140 characters.

Photograph provided by Susan

The eerie silence in the deserted corridor is palpable.
Suddenly screams fill the air as the blood of one more innocent victim spills.


There is no one out here, let’s go.
But where are we going?
To the ghosts press conference, am the spooksperson there.
At the dead end!
–139 –


Kay L. Davies said...

Oooh, eerie is right! Very good.
-- K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

Pat said...

A good horror story and a good laugh.."dead end." :-) Both are excellent

Photo Cache said...

this is a nightmare for me. tsk all those scary movies made me paranoid of empty corridors.

Melanie Sherman said...

Liked them both. The first was shivery dark, the second made me smile.

Peggy said...

Spookie for sure.
Nice one Celine!

Vicki said...

Great take!

Anyes said...

Now that I read this, how will I go to sleep? Too scary ;-)

Anonymous said...

Ooh, nice atmosphere of terror!

Gemma Wiseman said...

Two great spins on the photo! Good ones!

anthonynorth said...

Nice and scary, both. Excellent.

Ashling said...

Horror & humor...great combo for a Monday morning!

Maude Lynn said...

That first one is really creepy!

Sylvia K said...

First one scary, second one fun and I love them both! Hope you have a great week!


Lisa Ricard Claro said...

Enjoyed them both, the first creepy, the second fun (love the puns). Well done!

Reflections said...

Yes, very eerie! Love the humor in the second take, venue, dead end!

ruthi said...

scary! nice take on this.

Anonymous said...

Two good entries, and both came in under the 140 characters! Hope you have a great week. Cheers~

AJEYA RAO said...

nice one!