This is my hundredth post. I've 'decorated' this post with a lot of links. This is my record of my dear readers' kindness and appreciation on this blog, and you are welcome to click on these links.
Hundred. Yes. I did not expect to touch three digits, but this blog world has turned out more interesting than I thought it would be.
When I started this blog about 10 months back, I was not quite sure what would be in it and how it would turn out. Except for those days when I was journeying which were the ‘no internet’ times, the fact that I have continued to blog, more or less, on a regular basis gives me a strange kind of pleasure though this might be something inconsequential to others.
Sincere thanks to all of you.
Invitations and Links
I have been invited by Nandan to write on his popular travel website ghumakkar and I have contributed two posts on Jaipur there. Thanks Nandan. I shall write on more travel topics in due course.
I have got invitations here and here to submit posts at desicritics. Again, this has been possible because of my blog, so when time permits I shall respond to those requests too.
Lekhni has linked my post on Datia Palace to Desipundit here. The post on ghumakkar has also been linked here. Thanks Lekhni.
Mridula has linked my posts on Surya Mandir and Nostalgia to Blogbharti here and here. Thank you Mridula.
Saibal has been kind to invite me to contribute for his successfully launched Wandering Souls with a good readership and I shall be happily doing that shortly. Thanks Saibal.
I have been invited by Arun of the beautiful India Travel Blog to write a guest post on it, and I feel privileged to do that. Thanks Arun.
I have got some awards in spite of being a fairly new blogger. Apologies for not having distributed some these awards generously as I am supposed to. I know I shall be forgiven for that.
So, during these ten months, David of Authorblog has given me the Post of the Day Award to three of my posts: Incredible India Indeed in August 2007 here, Vera in September 2007 here, and Guns n' Roses in October 2007 here. Now that is what I say is real encouragement to a new blogger. Thanks David.
Sameera of Sameera's Haven has been sweet to give me The Egel Nest Blog Award in October 2007 in the comments section here and that was touching. Thanks Sameera.

Sammy's Dad, Bradley of The Egel Nest, and his mom, Linda have been gracious to bestow on me The Egelnest Blog Award in November 2007 here . Thanks Bradley and Linda.
Our globetrotter, Gil of Blogtrotter has been kind to present me here with You Make My Day Award in January 2008. Thanks Gil.

The same Award came from another direction. Our Backpacker, Lakshmi has been sweet to present me the You Make May Day Award here in January 2008. Thanks Lakshmi.
Last month, San of A Life with a View gave me a pleasant surprise here with this Award:
In addition to the beautiful words on that Award, San states I am an adventuress who "travels to exotic places and brings [us] back souvenirs in the form of lovingly crafted travel logs." San, thank you for your kind words.
Dear reader,
It feels good to know you have interest and appreciate what is written here. As to travel log, I write some details of my experiences and include some information on the history of the places I've travelled to. I'm not quite sure if this fits the definition of a travel blog. However, I do not let that matter as long as I am enjoying it. I have also been posting some of my attempts at poetry and have resumed my Haiku post on Tranquil Tuesday and am glad that some of you like it.
During the past 10 months, in this captivating blog world, I have developed a pleasant bond with you. I notice people from all over the world, all walks of life, of different religions, beliefs, faith, professions, ideas, and opinion are here and we are bound in a fascinatingly beautiful way. I love that!
I want to acknowledge each and every person who has visited my blog, including lurkers. For keeping me going, for dropping by, for leaving your footprints in the form of appreciation and encouraging comments, and your friendship, I thank you. It's been lovely knowing some of you beyond the blog through emails and phone calls and its truly great meeting like-minded people, thanks to this blog.
As far as possible, I have tried to respond to all comments on my blog. In case I have not, please understand that it has not been intentional. Your comments have been a source of inspiration to me. In some instances, the comments have, in fact, added a new perspective to my posts. I will look forward to continuing support from you and developing this bond in days to come.
Blogging has been a new and interesting journey for me. Dear reader, I want to emphasize how equally interesting it has been to visit your blogs where I have discovered a variety of awesome posts with pictures. That has been a delightful experience for me.
- Celine
thats a quick march to a 100 :) congratulations.
Thanks Arun. It feels like yesterday that I was talking to you about wanting to start blogging. :)
Congratulations !!
It's a bouquet of 100 colourful flowers of finest variety...
Thanks for sharing it with us..
Thanks Saibal. Flowers gladden the heart of the beholder!
Some of them here might be of the teeny weeny variety growing in the wilderness. :)
Well done Century-Celine. And in times of Twenty20, it falls so much in place. 100 in 10 months is just awesome. Thats like 10 every month, one almost every other day, leaving the weekends out for travel :)
Wishes and Luck. May the Kilo-Celine happens soon.
Kya re? Yeh century aur kilo ka kya connection? Century ke baad double century hota hai!! Seems like are also completely consumed by the dominant T20 force these days and completely bowled over..LOL
Thanks Nandan. :)
congratulations. so where is my tea party for this "anmol" moment.
Thanks Vijay. Tea party if/when we can have some tea together. :)
Congratulations Celine !!
You have indeed decorated your post with so many links. ;)
Great going and may we see 1000th post soon.
That's what Nandan also tried to say. century=100 & kilo=1000. And thinks exactly like me. :D
* And he thinks exactly like me.
Thanks Cuckoo. And also for the clarification. All that complicated mathematical stuff... *muttering under breath*...
To me, Math is like love, a simple idea but it can get complicated.:P
Contrats on the 100 posts! Your blog is quite interesting...I'm glad you came to mine so I could start going to yours!
Awesome! Many, many congratulations. :)
CONGRATS and all those awards are very well deserved and i believe a long list of awards await you :)
Congrats (100 times and more )
Cheers !!!!
Tk care ~
Ms. Creek,
Thank you. It's been my pleasure visiting you. :)
Thank you very much. :)
That's mighty sweet of you. Thank you. :)
Hey BTR,
Thanks a lot. :)
Congratulations Celine! 100 wonderful posts with lovely pictures and outstanding texts! A delight for us to enjoy! Thanks!
Celine, you are so deserving of all of your awards. It is a privilege to list you on my blogroll and to visit you here at this poetically presented blog.
I treasure your online friendship and my virtual travels via your writing and images. I only wish you lived nearer to me in the "real world." You are no doubt every bit as lovely in the flesh as you are in cyberspace.
Thank you for the wishes, your kind words and encouragement. :)
Thank you for these kind words, support and encouragement. You are a sweet friend. :)
a great milestone..congrats ..its always been a pleasure to reaqd your posts
Thank you for the kind words, regular visits and your encouragement. :)
Congratulation on your 100th post!
I LOVE your is so enjoyable! It's been a REAL pleasure to meet you!!
Congrats and thank you for the sweet letter to us, your iFriends. My how your list of admirers has grown! I always enjoy following along on your journeys and especially reading your poetry. Cheers to an awesome woman. (hug)
Congratulations!!!That was a fitting hundredth :)
Btw,I had sent you the Art Prize award by e-mail few months back.I thought you must have received it.Anyways,here it is again :
Keep up the great work dear.May this space flourish and grow always!
Congratulations, Celine, on the 100th post in a blog that always offers quality presentation and thought.
I've been AWOL for a while - blame it on the new job.
Do keep in touch ....
Please leave me a comment with your mail id.I would love to mail you sometime.The id in your profile doesn't seem to be working,it's the one I sent the award to.
Bradley's Mom:
Thank you Linda. It's been lovely knowing you too. :)
My sweet iFriend, I'm delighted you are one in the list. :)
Thank you for your kind words and encouragement Darlene. *hug*
I don't know how I missed the Art Prize award sent by email, but I am truly thankful to you for finding me worthy of that beautiful Award,
Thank you for your good wishes and your kind words. :)
Thank you very much for your encouragement, and kind words.
I wish you the best with your new job. Will surely be in touch, my friend. :)
The email id is the same as shown in the profile. It is: I'll look forward to hearing from you.
Sorry that I missed acknowledging your Award, nonetheless, many thanks. :)
Great going and happy writing :)
Thank you very much. :)
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