Moi..some years backThank you for the tag
Indrani. Here are my answers to your list of 29 questions:
1. Last movie you saw in a theater?
(Some movies have to be watched on the big screen!)
2. What book are you reading?
Gregory David Robert’s Shantaram.
(Just started with it and it’s fascinating!)
3. Favorite board game?
(I prefer crosswords, if given a choice!)
4. Favorite magazine?
Reader’s Digest.
(Since years!)
5. Favorite smells?
Natural fragrance of vegetation.
(Especially that on pine filled mountains..memories of Lebanon!)
6. Favorite sounds?
Pitter patter of rain drops.
(Oh, it’s so quixotic!)
7. Worst feeling in the world?
Death of a family member.
(Losing who I ‘thought’ was a ‘great’ friend was almost as bad!)
8. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up?
That depends.
(Might be my next holiday destination, or someone I care for, or coffee!)
9. Favorite fast food place?
Pizza Hut.
(Reluctant answer as I prefer “real good” food!)
10. Future child’s name?
No more please.
(And thank you very much!)
11. Finish this statement. “If I had lot of money I’d ….?”
Quit working and travel.
(And travel more, and more!)
12. Do you drive fast?
(If on a highway I do, but not recklessly!)
13. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
(I wouldn’t sleep with any animal *wink*)
14. Storms - cool or scary?
(Unless lightning hits me!)
15. What was your first car?
Caprice Classic.
(Wish it were a Lamborghini though..still wishing, but not that enthusiastic about it anymore!)
16. Favorite drink?
A margarita.
(One of many favorites. Next choice, for now, some cold coffee please!)
17. Finish this statement, “If I had the time I would …”?
Travel more, read more, write more, serve more, share more, love more …and again, travel some more.
(I guess by now you've got the picture: travelling is my passion!)
18. Do you eat the stems on broccoli?
(I love vegetarian food as much as non-vegetarian!)
19. If you could dye your hair any color, what would be your choice?
(Keep it as natural as possible as it’s hard to imagine wild gothic purple and pink hair on me!)
20. Name all the different cities/towns you’ve lived in?
Mumbai, Mangalore, Jamnagar, Kuwait.
(Fortunately, I wasn't asked the different cities I’ve been to!)
21. Favorite sports to watch?
(Ain't it the case with almost all Indians? Wish I could watch it live in a stadium someday, preferably with a rollicking friend!)
22. One nice thing about the person who sent this to you?
I am just getting to know Indrani better and can say with certainty she’s nice.
(Thank you Indrani!)
23. What’s under your bed?
(I like my bedroom clean and dust-free!)
24. Would you like to be born as yourself again?
(Wouldn’t really matter if I were born again or not!)
25. Morning person, or night owl?
Night owl, generally.
(But while travelling, it’s the opposite, as I love to catch the morning lights of a new place!)
26. Over easy, or sunny side up?
Sunny side up, maybe?
(Anyone, what exactly does it mean..LOL. Is it reference to eggs?)
27. Favorite place to relax?
On a remote corner of a hill station commanding scenic mountain scenery.
(Next choice, on my comfy bed – all to myself!)
28. Favorite pie?
Apple pie.
(Make that after a steak pie please!)
29. Favorite ice cream flavor?
(And one helping of chocolate too, please!)
Whom do I tag now?
You. I tag you and everyone else who would like to take up this tag. Go ahead, let’s get to know you better. I’d be delighted if you leave a word here, in which case I'll surely visit you!
To conclude, I am just informed today is Friendship Day. Happy Friendship Day, and have a great day!