November 10, 2010

Smoke Cascade


The River Narmada plunges in a waterfall known as Dhuandhar Falls or the smoke cascade. The plunge is so powerful that its roar can be heard from a disance. These Falls are a spectacular sight of nature's power.

Dhuandhar Falls
Bhedaghat, Jabalpur
Madhya Pradesh


Kay L. Davies said...

Fabulous waterfall, and I can see the "smoke" in your photo.
The word "smoke" was also applied by the local people to Victoria Falls on the Zambezi river in Africa. They called it "Mosi-oa-Tunya" - the Smoke that Thunders.

Interestingly, I have never heard the word "smoke" used to describe the famous Canadian/American Niagara Falls on the border of Ontario and New York. At least one native nation considered the Falls divine, and the mist that rose up from it the home of the divinity, to which they made sacrifices.

I think early peoples realized, whereas "civilized" nations did not, the importance of water in the cycle of life.

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

EG CameraGirl said...

Beautiful, Celine. This must be a major tourist attraction. Most people find waterfalls mesmerizing. I certainly do!

Indrani said...

Whoa! Mesmerizing!

Chubskulit Rose said...


Water Fall

SandyCarlson said...

An utterly gorgeous image! Such a beautiful abundance of water.

Ingrid said...

This must make a lot of noise ! the water runs with such a strength !

2sweetnsaxy said...

That must be quite amazing to see in person. Great shot!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic rushing water photo!

Mridula said...

A very beautiful sight!

magiceye said...

a sight to behold!

giorno26 ¸¸.•*¨*•. said...

L'acqua รจ un bene veramente prezioso per il mondo !

Yoshi said...

Thank you for commenting on my blog.
This is overwhelming shot! Scary but gorgeous.

NatureFootstep said...

I like this. It reminds a little of Niagara, even if that oen is higher.

Photo Cache said...

that looks like it has the power of a niagra and half its size. wonderful capture.

janakidiary said...

you can feel the strength of the rushing water in this photo. Great!

Kristin said...

This is a very beautiful place from India. Simply Breathtaking.

Saibal Barman said...

I never saw Dhuadhar through my own eyes although I have seen its mysterious faces so many times through Lopa's album...and I always find it new with dynamism that connects so much with indeed is bold, smoky, flowing, vibrant, irrigating, irresistible...and more so relevant in inevitable falls enriching itself in its pursuit of losing finally into a boundless expanse of profundity...and, this one again presents me just such an awesome feeling, Celine.
Take care,

Trotter said...

Wonderful picture!!
So, noew you're posting everyday, how can I manage to catch it all? ;))

cyclopseven said...

Scintillating fiercely

Arti said...

Wow... Celine you have travelled India... Loved your blog throughly, enjoyed it!! Is the header pic of the Neelkanth peak as viewed from the valley of flowers... Just Awesome...
I have never visited this fall but definitely heard about it, its gorgeous...
You have a new follower:)

Unknown said...

Ive taken a boat trip through the gorge at marble rocks, but obviosly not in the rainy season. What a wonderfull image!

Linnea said...

It does seem smokey and thunderous! Wow! Nice capture. Thanks for stopping by at mine. Enjoy the day wherever you may be!

Anuradha Shankar said...

Awesome!!! this place looks too good for words!

sandeep said...

looks like a roaring waterfalls!

Kirigalpoththa said...


Lily Riani said...

i never knew this places existed before this. its awesome!

Priyank said...

Oh boy, these falls are wonderful indeed! Did you get showered by the mist?? :)